Sunday, January 14, 2007

Troopers Rounds 1- 4

Yes, life is good here in Messy Town. My name is Ginger and this is Andrew. Who are we? Well, Andrew is all about the pleasure in life while I am a romantic at heart. Our family name is from a town called Springfield, have you heard of it?

Here we are getting to know each other better. All our chatter is about moving to this grand new life in a new town. I didn't mention to him what my dream is, but I can tell you. I want to woo-hoo 20 different sims!

Here we are with our first visitor. Lou was one of our first friends here in town. We had a long discussion about the lastest rumor out there. We might be losing our daily dose of sunlight that rain is coming soon.

THE MESS THE MESS THE MESS!!! Why are we both so dirty? Why can't we throw something away, oh yes, we are BROKE!!!! Maybe I can remedy this...

Why does our neighbor Holly keep kicking over my trashcan? We barely know her! Why??? We got roaches once already. Doesn't she know that pests are not good things for our aspirations? I don't need that type of gossip.

I don't know what her problem is, but here she is beating up local Benjamin Long. Now he will leave, I need him to become one of my friends.

I truelly love Andrew. He is everything a girl could want. He loves jumping on the couch, juggling bottles, playing in the tub, or just playing. He wants to constantly take me on dates too. But that doesn't bring in the money, now does it? Nope.

How many times must she kick our trash can?? What did we do??

How nice, my big strong man is taking care of our 'problem'. I wonder what caused the problem in the first place?

Wow - Andrew is really a great guy. He works his tail off trying to get promotions. I wonder what he wants to buy now. Me? Well, I take advantage of these times to meet potential friends.

Hehehe, life of a pleasure sim I suppose. For kicks, we got the Gizmo like the ones the Bubbettes own. Andrew got a great kick out of making a townie go nuts.

How simple it was at first, Andrew off at work. Me, off for the day, called over a friend. Just one little kiss won't hurt, will it??? A kiss between friends won't hurt anything.

Time to check the lipstick, have to look good you know. For what? Wellllll, that one little kiss led to a date......

That one little date led to one little woo-hoo in the photo booth. You won't mention this, will you? Andrew doesn't need to know.

Got home just in time to prevent getting caught. One lover doesn't hurt anyone, does it? Naw, thought not.

Umm, here I am with another friend out for lunch. Hey, no one gets hurt! Just simple fun hurtless kissing!!

HEY LADY!! Get over it, I was getting a kiss! Plain and simple, so stop hitting me!!!

Guess who was here today? Yep, it was that Holly ~ I think Andrew needs to chat with her again.

Andrew doesn't think too much about meeting people in their underwear. This was a close one, you know I couldn't say goodbye to him. Plus Andrew wanted a date after working hard all day.

Another day, another new friend. I'm losing count of the total so far. Plus there is this little glitch in our town that the controller takes advantage of. This guy was a little young for me, he is in college.

Ouch, this day didn't turn out as planned! What was Lou doing eating out? His fault, he shouldn't have been eating there. That is what he gets. Hmmph!

Did you know we had a kid? Yep, his name is Brant. I was never worried about who the father was....I know you were thinking it but I knew I was ok.

Not that the baby stopped me. I made sure he was taken care of and ventured off to see my friends. I am doing this for my dream, MY DREAM IS IMPORTANT!

Yes, I did have one little kissy-kiss with Mr Big. Pay no attention to my lack of clothing here. I just got up when he showed up.

A nice quiet evening at home with Andrew. Brant is asleep, what should we do to occupy ourselves???

Oopsie! Brant just woke up, let me take care of the little booger. I swear kids know when parents are thinking of a little 'quiet time' together.

Looks like we had enough 'quiet time' together the other night. Meet our daughter Brittany. She looks like me, I think.

Here is our little dog, Rom. Brant loves to spend time with him hugging all over him.

Brant doesn't seem to happy today, did you notice? He is almost a little mirror image of his father.

Andrew was always there for the kids. We both adore them. Here is toddler Brittany when she grew up. I went to bed right after as I was a little tired.

I don't know why this smushed nose guy looks so happy. I didn't have anything to do with it.

Poor Marcellas, he was sprayed by this skunk. I wonder if he was trying to befriend it or something. I offered our shower and he refused for some reason.

I think he was afraid it would break like the elevator did when Paige used it. Luckily for all, she was not hurt! She is one of my true friends. We are wondering if our kids will be future spouses or not.

One of the reasons the elevator broke, umm there was some activity in it. At least it didn't break this time!

Why doesn't Brittany run like this when I get home? Why does she do this for Andrew? Well, she does have her father wrapped around her finger.

Who is still in the photobooth? Hmm, can't tell. I think you have been talking to Andrew. He has been asking questions lately.

Why did the controller let this happen? We were to be SAFE! Andrew was far away in meditation! This can't be good! I can't leave my Andrew or my babies! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

One last little fling, this was my last one! Honestly! I have my numbers now and my dream is met! YEAH ME!!!

It took awhile, but Andrew finally forgave me. I promised him to never cheat again. I hope my previous lovers understand, I mean this is my husband.

To keep up with the Bubbettes, our kids made it into private school! WOOT!! Brant worries me a little as he doesn't have a girlfriend....all he talks about is money, money, money.

Yes, my birthday happened and I grew older. Which is a good thing I think. Now I have time to focus on my family some.

Right behind me was Andrew. We are growing old together, sigh, I never thought this day would come.

Being the normal popular girl, Brittany is off making friends no matter where she goes.

We decided to put in a pool in our backyard. Brant helped Andrew build the bridge.

My Lovers
Andrew, Lou, Amin, Stephen Brown, Abhijeet, Christy Stratton, Thomas Bruty, Brendon Lilliard, Vince Bruty, Angie Reimon, Lila McCollogh, Seth Zarubin
Got to love those glitches!!

Bubbettes / Stricklands



Roo said...

Gotta love the glitches!
Congrats on reaching your 20 woohoo goal and saving the marriage! Great looking kids

Ziese52 said...

Congrats on the 20 WooHoos! Way to go! I hope her lovers don't mind she won't be cheating anymore. I'm confused when you mentioned a glitch with a college students. Adults and young adults can WooHoo and fall in love, it's not a glitch.

ASimWen said...

Erm....Ginger and Andrew sitting in a tree...I mean....

Ginger and Amin sitting in a tree...K-I-S-S.....hummm...

OH yeah...Ginger and Christy sitting in a tree..K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

Err Andrew and Ginger?? lol heh

Brittany and Brant. Are you sure Andrew is their daddy? Oh wait...Brant does look like Andrew, and Brittany does have the elven features. heh.

Great round...